{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "MD_CompositeLocatorWithZIPCodeCentroids", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The Maryland Composite Locator cascades through several data sources, including \nAddress Points, Parcel Points, Centerlines, and Points of Interest for geocoding. If no matches are found the locator will attempt to geocode to the ZIP Code centroid.", "description": "The Maryland Composite Locator cascades through several data sources, including Address Points, Parcel Points, Centerlines, and Points of Interest for geocoding. If no matches are found the locator will attempt to geocode to the ZIP Code centroid.", "summary": "The Maryland Composite Locator cascades through several data sources, including \nAddress Points, Parcel Points, Centerlines, and Points of Interest for geocoding. If no matches are found the locator will attempt to geocode to the ZIP Code centroid.", "title": "MD_CompositeLocatorWithZIPCodeCentroids", "tags": [ "MD iMAP", "MD", "Maryland", "locator", "geocoder", "geocoding", "composite", "composite locator" ], "type": "Geocoding Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Tool", "Service", "Geocoding Service", "Locator Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://geodata.md.gov/imap/admin/GeocodeServices/MD_CompositeLocatorWithZIPCodeCentroids/GeocodeServer", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "MD iMAP, DoIT, local jurisdictions", "licenseInfo": "" }