Description: In 2000, the Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) was awarded a Coastal ZoneManagement grant to complete the acquisition of a recent (ca. 1990) digital shoreline for the coastal regions of Maryland - the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, the coastal bays, and the Atlantic coast. MGS contracted the services of EarthData International, Inc. (EDI) of Gaithersburg, Md., to extract shorelines from an existing wetlands delineation, which was based on photo interpretation of 3.75-minute digital orthophoto quarter quads (DOQQs). In areas where a wetlands coverage was not yet available, EDI interpreted shorelines directly from the orthophotography. DOQQ registration (Maryland State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 83, meters) was transferred automatically to the shoreline vectors. Following shoreline extraction or interpretation, EDI assigned attributes to the vectors based on shoreline type: beach, vegetated, structure, or water's edge. This data set has been merged into a state wide file for ease of processing and decision making.
Copyright Text: MD iMAP, DNR MGS, NOAA, Maryland Coastal Zone Management Program